Action Managers

As explained in architecture actions are implemented by instances of ActionManager interface.

These managers are declared in extension point .

        <!ELEMENT extension (linkmanager)>
        <!ATTLIST extension
                point CDATA #REQUIRED
                id    CDATA #REQUIRED
                name  CDATA #IMPLIED>
  • point - must contain
  • id - a required unique identifier of this ActionManager.
  • name - an optional name of the extension instance

Extension point contains one and exactly one actionmanager tag:

        <!ELEMENT actionmanager (requires*)>
        <!ATTLIST actionmanager
                class CDATA #REQUIRED
                label CDATA #REQUIRED
                icon CDATA #IMPLIED>
  • class - the fully qualified name of the class that implements ActionManager interface.
  • label - a label that identifies this type of action. This label is used on buttons on toolbar.
  • icon - an icon that identifies this type of action on toolbar.

actionmanager may contain a list of requires tags that specifies required features.

        <!ELEMENT requires (#EMPTY)>
        <!ATTLIST requires
                feature CDATA #REQUIRED>
  • feature - the name of a feature that is required to be enabled on project, for this plugin to be enabled.

If any of the required features is disabled on project, action manager will be skipped.

You can use this extension point to add new specific action types. There is currently one implementation of ActionManager:

  • Struts2ActionActionManager: this manager creates Struts 2 action nodes.