First of all, you will need to have a running Eclipse IDE v3.2+.
Nb: Unfortunately, because of a bug, Alveole Studio Eclipse plugin v0.1.0 does not work properly on Eclipse v3.2. You will need at least Eclipse 3.3. For Eclipse 3.4 Ganymede, you will need plugin version 0.2.3+.
Depending upon which distro you use, you will need to add the following plugins:
This is the simplest way to install this plugin.
Update site URL is
Then open your eclipse (with a user having sufficient privileges to update eclipse). Open Help/Software updates/Find and Install...
Then choose "Software updates":
Then click "Add site":
For site URL enter "".
Select Alveole Studio Struts2 Editor Feature.
Then click install.
Eclipse performs a few resolution steps.
Click finish.
Eclipse downloads and install plugin.
Finally, restart eclipse. Congratulations ! You are ready to play with Alveole Studio plugin !
If for any reason you want to install plugin manually, go to sourceforge download page and download archive file "mvcwebproject-0.2.2.jar".
Note that there are two files available for download:
Drop mvcwebproject-0.2.2.jar inside your plugins directory, and start:
eclipse -clean
This should install the plugin - but not its dependencies - so it may not work. Note that this method does not resolve plugin dependencies. Prefer using the automatic installation mode.
You can download source code from SVN repository:
svn co mvcwebproject
More information about SVN here .
To compile plugin, you will need Maven 2, and eclipse IDE 3.x: